SSML Summary

These speech markup elements are defined in SSML and are available in VoiceXML 2.0. The following table is a summary of the current SSML elements supported in this release of the Vocalocity Voice Browser.

Important: Support is largely driven by the text-to-speech engine. Consult the documentation provided by your TTS vendor for specific information about how SSML elements are supported.



Implementation Notes


Play an audio clip within a prompt

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0

The VoiceXML interpreter processes audio content so that only text is sent to the TTS engine; pre-recorded audio is played by the telephony hardware. For more information, see <audio> Element.


Specifies a pause in the speech output

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0


Provides a description of a non-speech audio source in <audio>.

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0


Specifies that the enclosed text should be spoken with emphasis

Implemented as defined in VoiceXML 2.0

Ignored by Speechify 2.1.6.


Specifies a pronunciation lexicon for the prompt

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0


Place a marker into the text or tag sequence so that it can be referenced

Not supported


Define a metadata item as a name/value pair

The following meta properties are supported:

n Expires (http-equiv)

n Pragma (http-equiv)

n Cache-Control (http-equiv)

For more information, see <meta> Element.


Define metadata information using a metadata schema

This element is supported, but not used by the Vocalocity Voice Browser.


Identifies the enclosed text as a paragraph, containing zero or more sentences

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0


Specifies a phonetic pronunciation for the contained text

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0

ph attribute is a required attribute that specifies the phoneme/phone string

Speechify 2.1.6 only supports ph attribute with SPR format. See Speechify Users Guide for more information.


Specifies prosodic information – control of the pitch, speaking rate, and volume of the speech output – for the enclosed text

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0

Speechify 2.1.6 only supports volume and rate attributes.


Specifies the type of text construct contained within the element and helps specify the level of detail for rendering the contained text

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0

Most types are supported by Speechify. See the Speechify Users Guide for a complete listing.


Identifies the enclosed text as a sentence

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0


Specifies replacement spoken text for the contained text

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0


Specifies voice characteristics for the spoken text.

Implemented as defined in SSML 1.0

Ignored by Speechify 2.1.6